Terms & Conditions
To access the Envision International website, you need to agree with the following terms & conditions.
The Envision International website has copyright “Envision International”. All rights that are not clearly stated on the website are reserved. Without Envision International’s written permission, any content on the website cannot be copied, reprinted, transmitted or stored unless it is permitted in the following passage. You can browse through the Envision International website on your computer or mobile device and copy the excerpt on the site, but it is just for your personal use and can’t be spread without Envision International’s written permission.
The site and its content can be utilised at your convenience. Information on the Envision International website is based on “status quo” and “existing”. Interruption or errors may occur to the website. Envision International is entitled to reserve any revision or withdraw the website. Envision International has not made obvious or implied guarantee of its site content, existence, accuracy and reliability, involving both guarantee of ownership and non infringement, and the implied guarantee of commerce and particular purpose or use adaptability. Envision International assumes no responsibility of any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss, profit, or any service interruption caused by the website usage or inability to use its service, though Envision International has been informed of those losses. Envision International guaranteed responsibilities’ exclusions and limitations can play an effective role in the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
Connection to other sites
Envision International can be connected to the sites owned or operated by the third parties on the Internet for your ease of use surfing the Internet. If you want to access other sites through this linkage, you need to read and agree with the service regulations of the site concerned. The connection to other sites does not imply that the site or its product and service can be recognised by Envision International.
Providing materials on this website
To provide materials for Envision International’s server through e-mail, or the Envision International website or other means, you need to agree with the following conditions:
- The material does not include any illegal or inappropriately published content;
- Before the material is submitted, you should scan and remove viruses or other contaminating or destructive elements;
- As the owner of the material, you are entitled to offer it to Envision International. Assuming no liabilities or obligations, Envision International can issue the material for free and / or apply the ideas in the material.
- You agree that Envision International can freely use the submitted material and that you will be fully responsible for all losses caused to Envision International when a third party has recourse to Envision International because of the material.
Envision International will not review any material posted by any user on the Envision International website and takes no responsibility for it. Envision International is entitled to remove any material posted by any user on its website.
Envision International’s products are named after its registered trademark or used trademark. The other products and companies may possess their own trademarks or trade names. In any case, your access to the Envision International website shall not be construed as being granted to use this website for any marker’s license or right.
Envision International reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions without notice.